Go For Launch

Go For Launch是一种体验,旨在激发企业家和林肯社区对创业和所有权的兴奋!

In this immersive, entrepreneurship workshop, 参与者将参加8个价值丰富的会议,帮助他们从一个新的想法中建立起来,或者扩展现有的业务. Lessons will be taught using the instructor-created IGNITE© curriculum. Participants will learn about ideation, feasibility, funding, financial know-how, marketing, advertising, target customers, legal issues, insurance, small-business accounting, customer service and business relationships. All students will receive an electronic and printed manual to use throughout the course. In each session, guest speakers will share their experiences and connect with participants. Learning will be taught through innovative learning methods including hands-on activities. 学生将定期与教师和教练一对一会面,以根据他们的需求定制他们的经验. 企业家将有机会在研讨会结束时向专业人士和投资者展示他们的商业创意计划和进展. 每位参加者在离开工作坊时,都将对自己创业之旅的下一步有一个清晰的愿景. Go For Launch是一个包容性的学习机会,面向所有年龄段的小企业梦想家, stages, and backgrounds. 那些报名参加的人可以选择通过澳门威尼斯人网址注册大学学分,也可以选择参加没有学分的研讨会.

Go For Launch Partners

Classes will be held weekly and begin on Tuesday, October 17th, 2023, 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm on the Doane Lincoln Campus.


讲师:Lisa Tschauner, Doane大学创业实践助理教授.

Cost: $500 for non-credit seeking participants. 希望获得大学学分的学生将注册ENT 471/699(一门三学分的课程).

Scholarships are available for professional participants experiencing financial barriers. To apply for a scholarship, please complete this online form.

Location: Doane University, Lincoln Campus

Participants must be at least 18 years old.

Download the Community Flyer

Entrepreneurship Workshop Sessions

Tuesday, Oct 17 - Session One: From Idea to Business
Tuesday, Oct 24 - Session Two: Feasibility of Concept
Tuesday, Oct 31 - Session Three: Funding and Financials
Tuesday, Nov 7 - Session Four: Brand Image and Advertising
Tuesday, Nov 14 - Session Five: Marketing Strategies for Small Business
Tuesday, Nov 21 - Session Six: Taxes, Business Structure and Accounting
Tuesday, Nov 28 - Session Seven: Legal Issues and Protecting a Business
Tuesday, Dec 5 - Session Eight: Customer Service & Business Relationships
Tuesday, Dec 12 - Final Session: Business Showcase

Layout of each session

5:00 – 6:00: Lesson/Lecture
6:00 – 7:00: Guest Speaker (topic expert)
7:00 – 8:00: Class Activity
8:00 – 9:00: Networking & 1:1 meetings with instructors

Session Descriptions

Session One: From Idea to Business

In this session, students will discuss how entrepreneurship is defined, explore their own motivations toward entrepreneurship, and identify personal and professional goals for business ownership. 不同类型的业务将与优点/缺点的每一个,以及业务规划的基础. 参与者将接触到通过创建可靠的问题陈述来将想法发展成潜在业务的策略和工具.

Session Two: Feasibility of Concept

第二部分是参与者了解用户发现对其业务问题/解决方案的价值. 他们将学习重要的商业术语和短语以及在证明他们的想法的概念时使用的研究方法. 这个会议充满了用于自信地推进业务努力的资源和工具.

Session Three: Funding and Financials

The third class in this series is full of financial forward information. 参与者熟悉财务方法和模型,包括现金流函数, start-up costs, business life cycle, valuation of time and service, return on investment, and financial proforma documents. Funding opportunities including venture capital, loans, grants will be discussed as well as financial management practices.

Session Four: Brand Image and Advertising

本次会议丰富的经验和真实的营销策略,基于理论与涌入的现代方法,为今天的消费者工作. Students will learn about building a solid, recognizable brand, including logo development, that leads to building effective marketing collateral. 参与者将学习如何使用营销组合理论来调整他们的努力,并准备和计划他们的营销预算.

Session Five: Marketing Strategies for Small Business

本课程的参与者将学习如何使用传统和非传统的营销方法,包括如何利用社交媒体和网红文化. 替代策略将与SWOT分析等传统工具一起讨论和应用, niche marketing and identifying the share of the market. Online marketing and e-commerce opportunities will also be explored.

Session Six: Taxes, Business Structure and Accounting

In this session, 学生将学习不同的企业会计方法,包括记录保存和预测收入和支出的最佳做法. The various financial statements will be reviewed. 专家将帮助参与者了解他们所在行业的税收要求,以及如何了解哪种业务结构适合他们的模式.

Session Seven: Legal Issues and Protecting a Business

This session is packed full of important information for all business stakeholders. 学生将学习他们的业务部门所需的许可和监管实践,以及如何确保他们使用最佳的法律策略. Participants will learn how to file their business with the secretary of state, how to protect intellectual property, the importance of contracts and how to protect a business with proper insurance coverage.

Session Eight: Customer Service & Business Relationships

Participants will discover how to build valuable business relationships in this session. With a focus on customer service, 学生们将确定他们可以为顾客创造独特价值的关键领域,并学习如何处理客户问题. The topic of community involvement and philanthropy will be discussed. 学生将制定一个客户服务计划,包括如何衡量满意度,以及如何利用客户关系管理系统作为良好的商业实践.

Final Session: Business Showcase

研讨会以庆祝每位参与者展示他们的商业理念和未来发展计划而结束. This culminating event brings together all stakeholders, partners, mentors, and students.

Pedagogical Description

经过验证的课程模式IGNITE©汇集了实用和适用的课程,介绍了基本的商业概念和战略,将想法发展为盈利的努力. Students will learn these concepts through experiential practices, 来自本地企业家和专业服务提供商的真实案例和指导. 

Innovate -学习如何采取一个想法,发现可行的商业解决方案,为消费者的问题设计,从而产生盈利机会.

Growth – Make plans to launch a new business or develop and expand an existing venture. Whether your ambition is to scale or sustain, create strategy to help achieve goals.

Network – Connect with professional service providers, industry experts, 导师会帮助你建立自己的影响范围,发展通往成功的职业关系.

Instruction -从具有创业经验和经过验证的课程的合格商业教练那里获得指导和学习商业基础知识,以建立您的商业知识. 

Tools -获取各种资源,包括相关学习材料和策略,帮助您轻松高效地驾驭企业所有权之旅.

Entrepreneur -找到自己作为商业领袖的身份,有能力和信心打造积极的产品, services, and solutions to bring value to customers.

在下面注册以预订您的位置或参加9月27日的免费午餐和学习信息会议. Click here to RSVP.

For questions, please contact:

Lisa Tschauner - Workshop Instructor and Assistant Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship
[email protected]

Chris Brady – Strategic Partnerships
[email protected]

Sponsor Information

如果你是一家企业,想要赞助创业创业工作坊, please email Chris Brady or check out this information.

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